বুধবার, ৩০ মার্চ, ২০১৬

9 bread-baking secrets that make the process so much easier

Whether you're new to baking bread or an old hand who's always looking for tips to make your life easier, you've got to read these nine tips straight from the bread-baking masters at King Arthur Flour.

I've been a fan of King Arthur Flour for a long time. Its recipes are second to none in terms of complete and easy-to-follow instructions, and if I may say so, its flour really is superior to the cheap store brands I used to use. I was thrilled to get the chance to pick the brain of Katie Walker, King Arthur Flour's spokeswoman and baker extraordinaire in her own right, for her top tips for bakers of bread, spreaders of butter and sandwich-makin' fools.

1. Always read the recipe twice

According to Walker, it's imperative you always read the recipe twice. This is actually good advice for anything you're making, but bread in particular can reach a point of no return. You don't want to have to throw out an entire recipe because you misread the amount of yeast to use.

2. Premeasure your ingredients

It's called cooking mise en place, and it's just as vital with bread as with anything else. Measure out all your ingredients before you get started. You can put them into different containers as needed (bowls, teacups, whatever you have). This helps ensure that you have enough of everything you need before you get started and that it's ready when you are.

3. Get a baking scale… and become a power user

Baking ingredients are almost always best measured by weight (ounces, grams, etc.), not volume (cups, teaspoons, etc.). But the great thing about measuring by volume is that when you do measure ingredients together, you can use the scale's tare function to put them all in the same bowl immediately. Definitely cuts down on cleanup!

4. Use an oven thermometer, make some toast

You need to know if your oven is properly calibrated and whether it has hot spots (it probably will).

You can purchase an oven thermometer for a few dollars, and it can really help you "diagnose" your oven. If your oven thermometer tells you it's hotter or cooler than it should be, you should have a technician out to recalibrate.

Once you're sure your oven is properly calibrated, you should check it for hot spots. Pretty much all ovens have hot spots. How do you know where they are? Make some toast. Just put several pieces of bread on your baking sheet, and let it ride for five or 10 minutes. When you pull it out, any darker pieces will represent your hot spots, meaning you may need to either put more delicate things in a different area or even turn your bread part of the way through baking. There's probably not much you can do about hot spots, unless you have a convection oven (where the air can circulate), since it's probably the way the oven was manufactured (that is, all ovens will have them), but knowing it can really help you know when to turn your baked goods.

5. Use parchment (or silicone baking mats)

Depending on how often you bake, using precut parchment or a silicone mat is a great tip. It keeps your baked goods from sticking to the pan without the use of excess fat and keeps your pans looking like new.

If you bake infrequently, use parchment. Walker recommends precut parchment for its ease of use. She also says parchment can be used multiple times before having to throw it away. If you're a hardcore regular baker, you might consider a silicone baking mat instead, which has the same effect with less waste.

6. Measure it right

Walker advocates weight measurement, but if you have to measure by volume (as many recipes require), do so correctly. With things like flour, she recommends the "fluff, dust and scrape" method. That is, after fluffing your flour, you then spoon it in and level it off.

7. Keep your ingredients the right temperature

Walker stresses how important it is to have your ingredients the right temperature. Everyone knows yeast has to be added to the right temperature of water, but if it applies to your recipe, butter should be either cold or softened as instructed, because it can affect your recipe. She recommends that any recipes calling for eggs without any specific instructions use eggs that are room temperature.

8. Take baking classes

If you have them available in your area, baking classes are invaluable. Walker notes that, if available in your area, King Arthur's classes are so good she takes them herself. But if they aren't, sometimes seeing someone actually doing it or having someone there to correct you can be the best learning tool.

9. There's no such thing as failure

According to Walker, you can't be afraid to fail. You'll screw it up, sure. But think of it as a learning experience. If you give up after you mess up, you'll never really learn. Keep researching and trying.

Walker recommends beginning bakers to start with easy recipes. She actually suggested a recipe for beginners that I've made several times: no-knead crusty white bread. Ridiculously easy.

More on bread

How to make your own sourdough starter - it's easier than you think
Rainbow bagels with Funfetti cream cheese: How to make them at home
How to make foolproof soft pretzels from scratch

9 bread-baking secrets that make the process so much easier

Whether you're new to baking bread or an old hand who's always looking for tips to make your life easier, you've got to read these nine tips straight from the bread-baking masters at King Arthur Flour.

I've been a fan of King Arthur Flour for a long time. Its recipes are second to none in terms of complete and easy-to-follow instructions, and if I may say so, its flour really is superior to the cheap store brands I used to use. I was thrilled to get the chance to pick the brain of Katie Walker, King Arthur Flour's spokeswoman and baker extraordinaire in her own right, for her top tips for bakers of bread, spreaders of butter and sandwich-makin' fools.

1. Always read the recipe twice

According to Walker, it's imperative you always read the recipe twice. This is actually good advice for anything you're making, but bread in particular can reach a point of no return. You don't want to have to throw out an entire recipe because you misread the amount of yeast to use.

2. Premeasure your ingredients

It's called cooking mise en place, and it's just as vital with bread as with anything else. Measure out all your ingredients before you get started. You can put them into different containers as needed (bowls, teacups, whatever you have). This helps ensure that you have enough of everything you need before you get started and that it's ready when you are.

3. Get a baking scale… and become a power user

Baking ingredients are almost always best measured by weight (ounces, grams, etc.), not volume (cups, teaspoons, etc.). But the great thing about measuring by volume is that when you do measure ingredients together, you can use the scale's tare function to put them all in the same bowl immediately. Definitely cuts down on cleanup!

4. Use an oven thermometer, make some toast

You need to know if your oven is properly calibrated and whether it has hot spots (it probably will).

You can purchase an oven thermometer for a few dollars, and it can really help you "diagnose" your oven. If your oven thermometer tells you it's hotter or cooler than it should be, you should have a technician out to recalibrate.

Once you're sure your oven is properly calibrated, you should check it for hot spots. Pretty much all ovens have hot spots. How do you know where they are? Make some toast. Just put several pieces of bread on your baking sheet, and let it ride for five or 10 minutes. When you pull it out, any darker pieces will represent your hot spots, meaning you may need to either put more delicate things in a different area or even turn your bread part of the way through baking. There's probably not much you can do about hot spots, unless you have a convection oven (where the air can circulate), since it's probably the way the oven was manufactured (that is, all ovens will have them), but knowing it can really help you know when to turn your baked goods.

5. Use parchment (or silicone baking mats)

Depending on how often you bake, using precut parchment or a silicone mat is a great tip. It keeps your baked goods from sticking to the pan without the use of excess fat and keeps your pans looking like new.

If you bake infrequently, use parchment. Walker recommends precut parchment for its ease of use. She also says parchment can be used multiple times before having to throw it away. If you're a hardcore regular baker, you might consider a silicone baking mat instead, which has the same effect with less waste.

6. Measure it right

Walker advocates weight measurement, but if you have to measure by volume (as many recipes require), do so correctly. With things like flour, she recommends the "fluff, dust and scrape" method. That is, after fluffing your flour, you then spoon it in and level it off.

7. Keep your ingredients the right temperature

Walker stresses how important it is to have your ingredients the right temperature. Everyone knows yeast has to be added to the right temperature of water, but if it applies to your recipe, butter should be either cold or softened as instructed, because it can affect your recipe. She recommends that any recipes calling for eggs without any specific instructions use eggs that are room temperature.

8. Take baking classes

If you have them available in your area, baking classes are invaluable. Walker notes that, if available in your area, King Arthur's classes are so good she takes them herself. But if they aren't, sometimes seeing someone actually doing it or having someone there to correct you can be the best learning tool.

9. There's no such thing as failure

According to Walker, you can't be afraid to fail. You'll screw it up, sure. But think of it as a learning experience. If you give up after you mess up, you'll never really learn. Keep researching and trying.

Walker recommends beginning bakers to start with easy recipes. She actually suggested a recipe for beginners that I've made several times: no-knead crusty white bread. Ridiculously easy.

More on bread

How to make your own sourdough starter - it's easier than you think
Rainbow bagels with Funfetti cream cheese: How to make them at home
How to make foolproof soft pretzels from scratch

বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৪ মার্চ, ২০১৬

North Carolina's shocking anti-LGBT law is making us all look like fools

As a resident of North Carolina, I am ashamed at the way we're making news this week. Wednesday, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory reversed legislation created by the Charlotte City Council to provide new legal protections for gay, lesbian and transgender people. The ordinance would have gone into effect on April 1, but instead of celebrating Charlotte's protection of equality, Gov. McCrory has ensured more progressive states will spend this April Fool's Day mocking North Carolina.

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The ordinance meant businesses in North Carolina's largest city couldn't discriminate against gay, lesbian or transgender customers, in addition to long-standing protections based on race, age, religion and gender. It would also have applied to places of public accommodation, such as bars, restaurants and stores. It also applied to taxis. Likewise, it would have allowed transgender residents to use either a men’s or women’s bathroom, depending on the gender with which they identify.

My husband and I live in a suburb of Charlotte, a city with a gorgeous skyline just minutes from the South Carolina state line. We have three children, including a son with Down syndrome. We value equality, inclusion and acceptance. As a daughter of a police officer, I value safety and privacy.

I am no expert on LGBT issues, but as a parent and a mother of a child with disabilities, I consider myself an expert on humanity.

McCrory’s decision to ban Charlotte’s non-discrimination ordinance is a menacing storm cloud across our Carolina blue sky that spits in humanity’s face. In essence, the governor chose to protect the comfort of the uninformed masses over the safety of a smaller portion of the population.

In a statement, McCrory said Charlotte’s ordinance “defies common sense and basic community norms by allowing, for example, a man to use a woman's bathroom, shower or locker room … I have signed legislation … to stop this breach of basic privacy and etiquette.” He continued, “It is now time for the city of Charlotte elected officials and state elected officials to get back to working on the issues most important to our citizens.”

His idea of “basic etiquette” is discrimination at best and hate at worst.That “basic etiquette” has for centuries embodied a fear of anyone not white and male. Society has oppressed women. Minorities. Gays and lesbians. Those with disabilities. Will you be a member of the next group to be discriminated against?

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Issues most important to our citizens should include equality, safety and compassion, and I'm proud of the Charlotte City Council efforts. I'm embarrassed for our state, as this law will allow for further discrimination, not just in Charlotte but in every city and town.

This news plunges us securely back into those days of bathrooms segregated by race, of schools refusing to open their doors to varying shades of skin color and to hospital rooms where children born with disabilities were spirited out a back door, amid hushed voices, to be locked away where society could not see them and therefore not feel threatened by them.

As a cisgender female with three children, including one with disabilities, I fear harm or worse will come to LGBT people in light of this news. I am furious my state has so coldly turned its back on that possibility, which is so much greater than any of the nonsensical fears opponents of the ordinance tossed out in ignorance.

Sharing a restroom with a person who has gone through hell to live an authentic, innocent life is an incredible opportunity to demonstrate inclusion, acceptance and love for humans living life to the best of their ability — and seeking to relieve themselves in safety.

Make no mistake: Opening a door for a trangender person is in absolutely no way opening a door for a sex offender. Charlotte’s nondiscrimination ordinance sought to provide a safe haven for someone who faces unjust and uneducated persecution. McCrory’s signature provides safe haven for ignorance and hate.

#WeAreNotThis has been trending all day. I so desperately want to believe the hearts of North Carolinians are not this cold and their minds are not this closed.

I've found solace in seeing other North Carolinians post on social media their dismay at the turn of events. I'm horrified that I could have done more to prevent this discrimination.

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Feeling scared does not justify discrimination. Failure to educate oneself does not justify discrimination. Please, choose to be on the side of history that recognizes equality and the reality that

neither a penis nor a vagina defines a person — just as how a person identifies does not mean they want to assault someone or invade another's privacy.

McCrory has told the people of North Carolina it is OK to act out in fear and ignorance. He told us that discomfort born of fear and ignorance trumps the comfort and safety of an individual who has pushed fear and ignorance aside to live authentically.

McCrory has shown us he readily accepts the notion that someone born with a reproductive system of one gender but who identifies with the opposite gender is also a criminal who will parlay open-minded laws into vehicles for invasion of privacy and sexual assault.


North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore defended the bill to CNN: "One of the biggest issues was about privacy," he said. "The way the ordinance was written by City Council in Charlotte, it would have allowed a man to go into a bathroom, locker or any changing facility where women are  — even if he was a man. We were concerned. Obviously there is the security risk of a sexual predator, but there is the issue of privacy."

Where on earth are these restrooms and locker rooms that are so secure, a person with harmful intentions cannot enter them today? McCrory's signature doesn't make anyone safer or less safe than they already are. What his signature says is that it’s perfectly acceptable for North Carolinians to believe transgender people don’t deserve the same rights as cisgender people, and it's OK to trample on rights we refuse to recognize anyway.

I fear this is a tipping point in the South’s regression of civil rights. Gov. McCrory now has empowered those who fear all Muslims, all people with disabilities, all Jews, all women, all blacks to openly discriminate against them. Maybe it's not necessarily fear. Maybe it's just a classic case of less-than-ism." Do you believe a black person is less than you? Do you believe a Muslim's beliefs are "less than yours?

NC Rep. Grieg Meyer

NC Rep. Grieg Meyer

To the men and women of North Carolina who cried out in defense of their children’s safety, I urge you to redirect your anger at legislation that would actually protect us from sex offenders and to seek data that will show sex offenders are predominantly white cisgender men.

Because a white man seeking to sexually assault another man, woman or child is not waiting for legislation that lets them into a female restroom. A sexual offender doesn’t need suggestions or opportunities: He or she is surrounded by them. The privacy argument is nonsense because it assumes a biological man who identifies as a man does no wrong, and a biological woman who identifies as a woman does no wrong.

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Every person is capable of making bad choices for bad reasons. Discriminating against any group doesn't negate that fact.

I desperately want to be able to tell my children we are kinder than this. We are smarter than this. We are more worldly than this.

Aren’t we?

বুধবার, ২৩ মার্চ, ২০১৬

Possible Health Benefits Of Turmeric

class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-8194" src="https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Turmeric-root-powder.jpg?3bcaa6" alt="Turmeric root & powder" width="751" height="501" srcset="https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Turmeric-root-powder-427x285.jpg 427w, https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Turmeric-root-powder-735x490.jpg 735w, https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Turmeric-root-powder.jpg 751w" sizes="(max-width: 751px) 100vw, 751px" />

Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow colour and it has been used …

The post rel="nofollow" href="https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/diet/possible-health-benefits-of-turmeric/">Possible Health Benefits Of Turmeric appeared first on rel="nofollow" href="https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk">The Best Of Health.

শনিবার, ১৯ মার্চ, ২০১৬

Plants are growing in people's showers, thanks to Lush massage bars

But, what if your drain was clogged because a plant was sprouting out of it? It's happening to some women who use Lush's Wiccy Magic Muscles bar.

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The bar — made with "warming blend of cinnamon and peppermint essential oils" — also contains aduki beans. The beans work to soothe aching muscles, but they won't sprout unless they're in the proper environment. In this case, the proper environment seems to be the warm, dark crevices of a shower drain.

Lush bean plant

Lush bean plant

"In order for the beans to germinate they must of been left in the shower for a few days," Lush co-founder Helen Ambrosen told BuzzFeed. "The results you get just go to show how fresh the ingredients really are."

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Fresh or not, there's something pretty gross about a plant growing out of the drain — especially because aduki beans can grow to a height of 18-25 cm.

Lush bean plant 2

Lush bean plant 2

At least these beans won't leave you with pink skin for days, like another (commonly misused) Lush product is blamed for doing.

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শুক্রবার, ১১ মার্চ, ২০১৬

John Stamos spotted on a sweet date after revealing he's seeing someone (PHOTOS)

More: John Stamos says that yes, he and Lori Loughlin made out (VIDEO)

Fuller House star Stamos recently revealed that he's been dating a mystery someone, and now he's been spotted on an adorable afternoon date with his new leading lady.

The dark-haired woman on Stamos' arm hasn't been identified, but they looked flirty and happy as they met up for lunch at Toast in Hollywood, followed by ice cream cones at Carmela Ice Cream Co. The pair parked it side by side on a bench outside of the shop, enjoying their ice cream and trading bites of each other's flavors, while Stamos' girlfriend's sweet dog curled up at their feet.

John Stamos finally spotted out with new GF 1

John Stamos finally spotted out with new GF 1

They also walked together, Stamos baring his chest in a half-unbuttoned shirt, while his lady smiled and played with it. By the look on her face, those two are definitely smitten.

More: John Stamos' tribute to Mary-Kate Olsen is incredibly sweet (PHOTO)

John Stamos finally spotted out with new GF 2

John Stamos finally spotted out with new GF 2

Stamos, who is on tour with the Beach Boys, casually let it drop on The View last week that he's been seeing this mystery woman.

"The other night, I grabbed my phone because there's this girl I'm dating," he said. "She loves this song 'Disney Girls.' So I grabbed my phone and put it in front of [me] to shoot the whole thing. I thought I got away with it. And people were like, 'Who are you FaceTiming?'"

More: Ben Higgins enjoys new fame with John Stamos & Samuel L. Jackson (PHOTO)

Do you think John Stamos and his new lady make a cute couple? Head down to the comments and let us know.

New Breast Cancer Treatment Shrinks Tumours In 11 days

class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-8122" src="https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Breast-cancer-woman.jpg?3bcaa6" alt="Breast cancer woman" width="751" height="501" srcset="https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Breast-cancer-woman-427x285.jpg 427w, https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Breast-cancer-woman-735x490.jpg 735w, https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Breast-cancer-woman.jpg 751w" sizes="(max-width: 751px) 100vw, 751px" />

A new treatment for breast cancer, in which two existing cancer drugs have been combined, …

The post rel="nofollow" href="https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/health-conditions/new-breast-cancer-treatment-shrinks-tumours-in-11-days/">New Breast Cancer Treatment Shrinks Tumours In 11 days appeared first on rel="nofollow" href="https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk">The Best Of Health.

Small brain is good for the immune system – if you are a fish

Having a small brain may provide immune benefits, at least if you are a guppy. A new study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society shows that guppies with smaller brains have stronger immune responses than guppies with larger brains.

The Amazing Race taps into everyone's biggest fears

High up atop Mont Blanc in France, the teams had to scale the 11,000-foot mountain to get to their challenges, and both the contestants and the Internet freaked out about it.

One half of the Dancers team, Dana Borriello, had a full blown panic attack while trying to climb atop the mountain to deliver some lunch (and explosives!), which is ironic because her boyfriend, Matt Steffanina, revealed later in the show that he was a professional snowboarder before he was a dancer.

Many of the teams began to sweat, despite the apparently freezing temperatures on the gondola ride up to the challenge, including social media faves Tyler and Korey, Zach King, and mother-son team Sheri and Cole LaBrant.

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Fans of the show were quite literally biting their nails and gripping the edges of their seats, and of course tweeting the crap out of their anxiety over what was unfolding on their television screens.

Amazing Race ep 5 1

Amazing Race ep 5 1

Amazing Race ep 5 2

Amazing Race ep 5 2

Amazing Race ep 5 3

Amazing Race ep 5 3

Amazing Race ep 5 4

Amazing Race ep 5 4

Amazing Race ep 5 6

Amazing Race ep 5 6

More: The Amazing Race gets a good dose of drama thanks to poor decision-making

In addition to being terrified from the heights that the contestants were having to climb, people were losing their minds over the fact that they were having to deliver dynamite to be used for a controlled explosion on the side of the mountain.

Amazing Race ep 5 5 explosives

Amazing Race ep 5 5 explosives

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This episode really ramped-up everyone's heartbeats. Once the challenge was complete, the contestants had to paraglide back off the mountain to complete a detour.

Ultimately, Erin White Robinson and Joslyn Davis were the last to get off the mountain and back to host Phil Keoghen, and were sadly send home. This episode was telling in that it showed many more people than you'd think are really, really afraid of heights, and that The Amazing Race has some amazing camera people and a heck of a lot of insurance.

বৃহস্পতিবার, ১০ মার্চ, ২০১৬

Exhibition challenges viewers to consider their own lives ‘Between the Clock and the Bed’

Natalija Mijatovic's recent work "Sneyg," acrylic and conté on wood.

What Happens During And After A Kidney Transplant Surgery

The main function of kidneys is to filter the waste products from the body and convert them to urine. Kidney transplant is necessary when there is a case of kidney failure. The failed or diseased kidney is then replaced with a healthy one.

Overconfidence linked to one’s view of intelligence

PULLMAN, Wash. – Washington State University researcher Joyce Ehrlinger has found that a person’s tendency to be overconfident increases if he or she thinks intelligence is fixed and unchangeable.

সোমবার, ৭ মার্চ, ২০১৬

Healthy Living in Middle-age Can Reap Great Benefits in Retirement

class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-8103" src="https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Healthy-Living.jpg?3bcaa6" alt="Healthy Living" width="751" height="501" srcset="https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Healthy-Living-427x285.jpg 427w, https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Healthy-Living-735x490.jpg 735w, https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Healthy-Living.jpg 751w" sizes="(max-width: 751px) 100vw, 751px" />

Public Health England have launched a new national campaign, One You, to urge over …

The post rel="nofollow" href="https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk/health-conditions/8099/">Healthy Living in Middle-age Can Reap Great Benefits in Retirement appeared first on rel="nofollow" href="https://www.thebestofhealth.co.uk">The Best Of Health.

শুক্রবার, ৪ মার্চ, ২০১৬

Ask JJ: 3 Simple Shifts for Fat Loss

Dear JJ: Around this time of year, I feel a sudden pressure to tackle everything at once to ditch those last 20 pounds before beach season. Inevitably, I end up crashing. I heard you recently describe simple food shifts to lose weight. Could you explain those here?

"I just became overwhelmed with everything, said 'to hell with it,' and devoured my best friend's lemon tart," a reader recently confessed, recalling how tackling a new diet plan that included exercise, supplementing, and a slew of other weight-loss tactics quickly left her feeling overwhelmed and defeated.

Mind you, all of these strategies are perfectly legitimate, but too many become information overload that usually backfires during an 11 p.m. butter pecan freezer raid. We've all tried to do everything at once when it comes to fat loss, and usually it leaves us defeated and swearing at the scales.

Big changes happen from seemingly small strategies, and rather than overwhelm you with a herculean list of obligations to get lean and healthy by summer (or really, any time), I want to propose three simple shifts that can simplify fat loss.

Shift your meal timing.
• Have a protein-rich breakfast (my favorite is a shake) within an hour of waking. One study among adolescents found a high-protein breakfast prevented weight gain and curbed hunger throughout the day.
• Eat every four to six hours with lean protein, healthy fats, non-starchy veggies, and slow low carbs like quinoa. Have a substantial dinner and then close up the kitchen about three hours before bed.
• Minimize snacking, which studies show can stall fat loss.
• If you want to step things up, try intermittent fasting. You'll find lots of ways to do this. My favorite involves having a big breakfast and lunch, then skipping dinner a few times each week, which creates a 16 - 18 hour "fasting" - read: fat burning - window.

Shift your environment.
• Plan ahead and minimize trigger situations. If you know you're attending a big dinner, arrive pleasantly full rather than starving and grabbing the nearest high-sugar impact concoction. If you've got to try something sweet, try three polite bites and step away from the dessert!
• Keep the enemy out of the house, whether that means homemade chocolate chip cookies or even healthy stuff like almond butter if you overeat it.
• Keep healthy food at eye level. One study with 96 college kids put fruit and veggies in clear or opaque bowls either nearby or about seven feet away. Most gravitated to the closer bowls.
• Surround yourself with like-minded people whose focus involves lean and healthy, not nose diving into chips and salsas with margaritas. One study proved what we all know: Our friends can become good or bad influences regarding food choices. And support groups - including online groups - can help you better stick with your fat loss plan.

Shift your food.
• Practice lateral shifts, or healthier options for your favorite foods. Be creative and any food can work. So instead of mashed potatoes, try faux-tatoes (mashed cauliflower with ghee and salt).
• Add before you take away. Rather than say "I can't eat this," add nutrient-dense, high-fiber foods. Any time you remove something, you've got to add something else. Fill up on the good stuff, and you won't want the bad stuff. Green tea, fiber, high-protein foods, and non-starchy veggies are among my favorite "adds" to crush cravings and hunger.
• Become a sugar sleuth. Pinpoint and eliminate hidden sugars in so-called healthy foods like fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt. (I've identified nine more suspects here.)
Eliminate food intolerances. Soy, gluten, and other highly reactive foods (that unfortunately even hide in "healthy" foods) can stall fat loss even when you're doing everything else correct. Try an elimination diet for three weeks and see if those common offenders aren't hijacking weight loss. One animal study found a gluten-free diet could reduce body fat, inflammation, and insulin resistance.

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